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Investigators with the Aircraft Accident Investigation Commission of Nepal released their preliminary report on the crash of Yeti Airlines flight 691 this week. The report details the sequence of events that led to the crash based on data from the Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder. The full report is available for download here.

Two captains flying

Yeti flight 691 was the third flight of the day for the flight crew, which consisted of two captains. They had flown one round trip between Kathmandu and Pokhara before the accident flight. On Yeti 691 the pilot flying (PF) was the captain undergoing familiarization for landing in Pokhara, while the pilot monitoring (PM) was acting as the instructor pilot.

Yeti flight 691 sequence of events

The take off, climb, cruise, and initial descent from Kathmandu to Pokhara was uneventful. As the pilots prepared for landing at 10:56:12 (UTC +5:45), they selected flaps 15 and lowered the landing gear.